Saturday, December 29, 2012

I think I'll add a daily walk to my  life style,  its easier than going to a gym and its free. just walking for 20-30 min alone has so many positive side effects. and its just a walk

just the idea of the taking  a walk is the first step.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I awoke this morning not quit ready for what was to come.
Unfinished deadline, missed appointment, and lots of catching up to do. this is my Wednesday just as i thought it would be.  

This was the way i was thinking  this morning, until i received a call from my church  pastor asking if i would be able to help deliver food to a near by school., no problem I responded. He  than ask if i could use a turkey and other items to go with it. I felt out of place, I'm usually the one helping others, not receiving help.

When you give, give, and give yourself  out for others you will start to fell empty. I was starting to see emptiness. I began felling as God just saw me here as the middle step-child or that He was to busy to even care about my concerns.

To me, trying to put trust into the things of this world seems to like a big waste of time. 
This Christmas season I see  that there is a need to seek after the true meaning of peace.

What is your peace, how do you find it, can you share it with others?How long will you let it stay? this can not be a New Years resolution. We should do this peace thing with a just because attitude  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Hump Day?

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday,
 mid week, half way their, almost finish, just about done.
two days done, two days out, 24 hours in
 Tuesday 11:59 labor the pain began
0530 alarms ringing
doors slamming
birds chirping
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday,
Never got a chance to recoup from the weekend
Monday catch up, Tuesday finish up
here we go send


Monday, December 17, 2012

dis-fingering your arms

once again The recent events brought everyone together against your right to protect themselves from harm. its our personal safety the is at steak. If everyone has the ability to protect them, maybe someone with ill intentions will think before enter a building to do harm to someone.

Should we keep our right to protect ourselves?

what happen to the emphases on peace?

is the end of our lifetime gonna be on 121212?

    there is a lack of peace in the human society

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The shopping list

Every month I'm faced with the most time consuming and yet most rewarding house hold chore, grocery shopping.
This time i got to store  and thought that this was going to be easy , was i ever so wrong. this came out to be way out of my budget.
OK, back to the drawing board.
I think ill think that ill try just changing  a few item in my pantry.starting with herbs and spices:

Bay leaf
Celery seed
Cumin dill
Dry mustard

By using these 20 ingredients I plan to create sauces, dressing, vinaigrette, and other healthy items to  add your daily diet.
"Its not the same, but its OK", I thought to myself as continued crunching my camel flavored rice cakes. The ride through this this diet change is going to be a tough one,  but hey, lets go for it!

I want to start eating and living a more healthier lifestyle, so I will be making an attempt to ease into this new form of a diet. I took a look at certain diet program that I have tried in the past, and found that they all work for those who want it to work.

After doing a little studying about the many different  kinds of diets I've arrived at my favorite. The anti-inflammatory diet, one that does not cause inflammation.